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Exercise is not without risks and this or any other exercise programme may result in injury.  Including but not limited to:risk of injury, aggrivation of pre-existing condition, adverse effect of over exertion i.e muscle strain, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heart beat or in very rare instances heart attack.  To reduce the risk of injury or any of the above, before begining this or any other exercise programme please consult a medical \ healthcare expert.  The Body Synergist disclaims any liability from and in connection with the classes..As with any exercise programme, if at any point during the class you begin to feel faint, dizzy or experience any physical discomfort you should stop immediately and seek professional medical advice.By Participating in the classes you are doing so at your own risk, The Body Synergist will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of the class programme.  Please use good judegment and common sense when taking part in class, consider your level and ability and choose the appropriate level of exercise, and rest when needed.    Please make sure you have a well lit and ventilated area clear of obstacles to exercise in and if using any equipment check it regularaly for wear and tear.  By clicking the link to join the class you confirm to abide by the terms of this disclaimer.  All content of classes live or recorded is the proprerty of The Body Synegist, and is not to be shared with third parties.If you have an injury or physical ailment please contact Natalie before joining the class.

Disclaimer: Welcome
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